Tuesday, February 19, 2013

How will we study this?

We will study this by doing online research as well as some in class labs provided by Mr. Wieseth

One Hypothesis:

We think that the reason some races have a higher percentage of lactose intolerance is because some people drink more milk due to their cultural foods. For instance white Americans maybe have a lower percentage of lactose intolerance because a lot of the native foods include cheeses, and a lot of items with milk, as compared to Asians who have a high percentage of lactose intolerance because many of the natives foods do not include milk, so they are not accustomed to eating it.

Thursday, February 14, 2013



Fred Schubert and Mr. Wieseth

Our Question:

Our question that we hope to answer is how lactose intolorence has evolved through different ethnicitys.
Through our research we found that a large determining factor to the amount of people who suffer from lactose intolorence tends to increase, or decrease, based their race. Such as more Asians are lactose intolorant that caucasions. We are hoping to determine why ethnicity is such a determining factor to lactose intolorence.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Backround: What exactly is Lactose Intolerance?

Lactose intolerance is the inability to break down glucose and galactose into the blood. Lactose intolerant people lack lactase, which is necessary to break the bond of glucose and galactose , if you cannot break down this nutrient exits the body in..... natural ways............